Deep disappointment is quiet.
It is not the famous and powerful people you know, who will transform you.
It is the ones you love who will change your life forever.
Sometimes you have to lose it to find it.
In our deepest longing shines the brightest light.
Once you have touched the depths, it's never the same when you get back to the surface.
A child asks 'How can you be a REAL poet? You are still alive!'
The smoother way is not always the right way.
A face that listens deeply becomes beautiful.
Giving to another creates a space in you to receive from life.
It is not your beauty that makes me love you, it is my love that makes you beautiful.
The mathematics of longing never quite adds up!
Of all the arts I know, the Art of Letting Go is the most transforming.
Of all the flowing landscapes I have experienced, nothing is more surprising and enchanting than the heart.
Those who truly understand words, also understand silence.
You never know what you are missing till you get it.
Only when I dared to go to the edge, I found my wings.
God is in the eyes of the one who loves.
Lemon grass when I submit to the magic you stir in my cup, my songs become fragrant!
The unhappy heart cannot truly love.
Since we could not eat rubies, pomegranates were born.
Life gives you a second chance in love, hope, success, compassion - but seldom with the same people and the same place.
Once the 'hope' drops, the anger also disappears.
I didn't know how to touch your heart. So I became a poem.
Dying embers are sometimes more beautiful than leaping flames.
To belong to each other without the longing to own - that is freedom
Much of our belief is disguised desire.
I have my own pace and time,
Your verses don't change my rhyme!
Peace is finding no emails in your official email.
Loneliness is finding no emails in your personal email.
Wisdom is shrugging your shoulders at both!
Sometimes, gust of wind blows,
words from my mind,
Leaving me with silence,
leaving you with a poem...
You can't fly on borrowed feathers.
Your wise feet may know their way, but my love-wings ache for the sky. Those who have wings are restless!
When all the facts have faded, the only thing that remains is love.
My world is full of miracles and all of them are you...
I am intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers yet to bloom.
What hurts more than the injustice you've suffered? The injustice you may have done to others. Living pure is living wise.
Learn from the wisdom of others. If you have to learn from mistakes, let these be your mistakes. The lessons learnt are unforgettable.
Older is not always equal to wiser. Younger is not always equal to dynamic.
Fools come in all shapes, sizes, genders, ages and places. So, do the wise.
Look carefully at everyone beyond the label and appearance, beneath the obvious. Look at what a person has done and how s/he has lived. Then listen to their words after that. Things will make more sense that way.
Listen to the wisdom of your heart, but understand that often what you want may not exist out there. Be ready to create it.
Do not be afraid to crack a joke or laugh loudly fearing ‘norms’. Laughter when it is genuine carries a healing energy.
You may never find a perfect place or school or institution or system. Happiness and wisdom are scattered all over in bits. That is why you have to be alert and aware to everything and everyone. Especially yourself.
Your destiny will find you, but you have to be ready to receive her.
True knowledge often has to be sipped not gulped. You may not always like its taste.
Every new person you meet is an opportunity or gift of some sort. Don’t hope too much or too little. Remember you too are a gift for the other.
Love is not a linear graph or an erratic one. It is the very air you breathe. It is there as long as you live, it is there after you ‘die’.
Because we did not have the hunger to swallow the sun, you created fireflies to gnaw at our darkness.
I'm not interested in the feathers in your cap, I want to see your wings embrace the sky.
In real life, the plot is the least important part of the story. It's the character that counts.
Who needs memory, I have imagination!
You do not have to go out chasing your destiny. Destiny is what comes to your doorstep, knocks, waits politely, knocks again and if you still don't get up and open the door it knocks the damn thing down!
Some people are like the mist, as you get close, they disappear!
In the end it is not how well you have fought, but how deeply you have loved, that matters.
When the question meets the answer, both dissolve.
If you cannot bring a poem to your lips, you will be forever thirsty.
The earth prays in the language of flowers..
'What is the purpose of life?' If you live in an aura of love, such silly questions don't arise!
A question is an indicator of the space you live in.
The way to reach a cloud, is to become one.
Love has not changed me, it has wiped me away...
Those who can teach, teach!
All of us live in glass houses. Some of us have painted bricks on them...
The inner landscape is harder to traverse, but it’s the one that counts.
The best way to experience a new place is to see it through the eyes of someone who loves the place and loves you.
The more I watch 'animal planet' the more I understand people!
Just because something doesn't come from money, don't think it's free!
No matter where you go, you can't escape your heart!
Loneliness is a fallen flower. Beautiful, fragrant, delicate - not with the branch any longer.
What a grumpy boss won't do, a sharp red chilli will - beware of the forces that can fire you - up!
To see beauty is to meditate with eyes open.
It's not about what comes to us, but what comes through us.
The people who really matter in life are the ones that touch the depths of your heart.
It's not how many people you meet in life, it's not even who they are, it's how deeply you can connect with them. That has a lot to do with how profoundly you connect to yourself.
If there are shadows, there's bound to be light...
Silence is not always still, but it always beautiful
The manipulative mind is diseased.
We are always looking for new secrets... never living the ones we've already found.
Enlightenment is hyped!
True silence is not afraid of words.
This morning, someone told me, "You have awakened, but your dreams haven't left you!"
If you are asked if the glass is half empty or half full, drink the water!
Breakfast musings... eggs cannot be unscrambled!
When you reach the top of the mountain, keep climbing.
Between the blue, gold and green
Oh! The spaces my heart has seen!
Anyone who thinks, life isn't fun,
Should try lemon tea with buttered bun!
When does diplomacy change over to hypocrisy... if at all?
Love is...
Untangling a ball of wool, instead buying a new one.
Love is...
Sending a blank sms and knowing you’ll be understood.
Love is…
When both are at a loss for words but won’t disconnect the phone.
Love is...
When you meet after 15 years and your heart skips a beat.
When you meet after 15 minutes and your heart skips a beat.
© Harvinder Kaur. All rights reserved.